Circuit Breaker Action to end from 11.59pm Wednesday 17 February 2021
As announced earlier today the circuit breaker lockdown will end tonight at midnight, however visiting restrictions in aged care will not go back to pre-lockdown restrictions. Starting midnight tonight ‘One household may visit a resident once per day. Exceptions continue to apply. Symptomatic individuals (e.g. sore throat), close contacts and returned international travellers excluded from visiting.’
To accommodate these restrictions we ask all visitors to book your visit by phoning the facility and, if possible, liaise with your family members to ensure compliance with this restriction.
Masks must continue to be worn by all visitors and staff while inside, and social distancing and hand hygiene practiced.
At this stage it looks as this this level of restrictions will end Friday 26 February at 11:59pm. We will issue another update as soon as we know more.