Vic Health – Residential Aged Care Facilities updated advice
Due to the ongoing level of community transmission, the number of mystery cases and a surge of new cases and exposure sites outside of metropolitan Melbourne, regional Victoria has entered lockdown from 1pm, 21 August 2021.
As part of these changes, the key changes to directions are as follows:
Resident Outings
During the stay at home period, residents can leave their aged care facilities for one of the permitted reasons:
- shopping for necessary goods and services
- caregiving or compassionate reasons, including medical care or to get a COVID-19 test
- authorised work or permitted education
- exercise (once a day for 2 hours)
- to get a COVID-19 vaccination
Prospective residents are not permitted to visit.
Non-essential contractors are restricted entering the facility.
Further advice is contained in the attached guidance.
For full details please refer to the Guidance on COVID-19 risks for residential aged care facilities for Metro Melbourne and for Regional Victoria.
Mandatory vaccination
Mandatory vaccination of residential aged care workers has been agreed at National Cabinet and will be required from 17 September 2021.
All residential aged care workers continue to have priority access to their choice of free Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccinations, regardless of age.
Bookings can be made online at or by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.
A Medicare card is not required to book an appointment or receive a vaccine.
Please don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions.